Guest Column | July 29, 2009

40% Of InMage Systems Customers See A 200% Return On Investment

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Guest Column: 40% Of InMage Systems Customers See A 200% Return On Investment

By Jerome M Wendt, DCIG LLC

Recent feedback from InMage Systems' existing customer base indicates that 100% of them use its Scout software for disaster recovery. That probably comes as no surprise to anyone familiar with Scout or its heterogeneous recovery capabilities. But what may come as a surprise to some is that nearly 40% of these existing Scout users are seeing a 200% return on investment (ROI) in Scout because of how it can be used in multiple ways in a company's IT infrastructure.

Achieving a 200% ROI on any investment is only possible when organizations find some way to leverage a product or software they are using for one purpose for some other critical business need. This is exactly what is occurring within the ranks of InMage Systems' customer base. While they initially purchased and deployed Scout to solve their internal business requirements for disaster recovery, 40% of InMage Systems' customer base is leveraging it as a front end to their existing backup infrastructure.

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Guest Column: 40% Of InMage Systems Customers See A 200% Return On Investment